The 7 Questions That Generated $1 Billion Worth of Ideas...

The 7 Questions That Generated $1 Billion Worth of Ideas...
Newly Released Checklist Tells You Which Ideas to Run With…
... and Which Ones to Pull The Plug on Before You Start.
It takes about 2 minutes to test any idea.
And it's FREE.
You’ll whip out my new BIG IDEA Evaluator every time you want to know — FAST — if an idea is worth pursuing.
No more wasting time and money trying to launch "lead balloons"...
... when your talents and resources could make a BIG impact somewhere else.
If you’re a marketer and copywriter like me, you’ll use this for headlines and copy ideas, marketing ideas, product ideas, and so much more.
If you’re not, you’ll use it for anything that requires an idea or a solution.
My BIG IDEA Evaluator is super simple — just seven questions.

David Deutsch has come up with powerful ideas for Fortune 100 and top direct response marketing companies.
Even if you don’t have an idea in your head right now, I urge you to go through it now. You'll see what it takes for an idea to be great.
Answering these 7 questions will add powerful depth and dimensions to your next idea... and make it a BIG one.
Let me email you a PDF of the BIG IDEA Evaluator right now.
OR… answer the questions online right now.
I highly recommend the online option. It takes just a minute or two, and you'll see your results immediately. (Don't worry — I’ll email you the PDF, too.)
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BIG IDEA Evaluator Online
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Make your choice above and start putting my BIG IDEA Evaluator to work immediately.
And I'll see you on the other side, where you'll discover not only how to spot great ideas, but how to generate all of them that you'll ever need.
Best regards,

David Deutsch

"The first step to having more great ideas is being able to easily recognize one."