The Feeling of a Big Idea

Thanks for your interest in David's Idea Power.

Something weird went wrong with your Idea Power order. (Don't worry, your Idea Power order is fine. All the details are on their way.)

Please hop over to and open a ticket.

Let Anne know your Idea Power order went BOOM! (That's the technical term.)

She'll take care of you and get you set up quickly.

Sorry about this. We'll get it straightened out.

The Feeling of a Big Idea

Thanks for your interest in

David's Idea Power.

Something weird went wrong with your Idea Power order. (Don't worry, your XXX order is fine. All the details are on their way.)

Please hop over to and open a ticket.

Let Anne know your Inner Circle upgrade order went BOOM! (That's the technical term.)

She'll take care of you and get you set up quickly.

Sorry about this. We'll get it straightened out.