Grab this almost unfair advantage in business and in life.
How to Come Up with All the Big, Breakthrough,
Knock-Their-Socks-Off Ideas You'll Ever Need
How to Come Up with
All the Big, Breakthrough,
Ideas You'll Ever Need
Dear Friend,
Would you like to know the ONE skill that has enabled me to generate more than a billion dollars in sales for companies from Boardroom Inc. and Agora Publishing to Procter & Gamble?
This game-changing, career-making skill is easy to acquire...
It requires zero natural creative talent.
And yet it may well be the most important and universally admired, valued and rewarded advantage you can have in business AND in life.
It is, of course, the ability to come up with great ideas.
You see, few things have the impact of a great idea.
“Ideas are the currency of the 21st century.”
— Claudia Azula Altucher, Author
Dear Friend,
Would you like to know the ONE skill that has enabled me to generate more than a billion dollars in sales for companies from Boardroom Inc. and Agora Publishing to Procter & Gamble
This game-changing, career-making skill is easy to acquire...
It requires zero natural creative talent.
And yet it may well be the most important and universally admired, valued and rewarded advantage you can have in business AND in life.
It is, of course, the ability to come up with great ideas.
You see, few things have the impact of a great idea.
“Ideas are the currency of the 21st century.”
— Claudia Azula Altucher, Author
Dear Friend,
Would you like to know the ONE skill that has enabled me to generate more than a billion dollars in sales for companies from Boardroom Inc. and Agora Publishing to Procter & Gamble?
This game-changing, career-making skill is easy to acquire...
It requires zero natural creative talent.
And yet it may well be the most important and universally admired, valued and rewarded advantage you can have in business AND in life.
It is, of course, the ability to come up with great ideas.
You see, few things have the impact of a great idea.
A great idea can change your (or someone else's) life… launch and grow a business… give birth to or revitalize a product or service… ignite a marketing campaign… or power a promotion, sales letter, ad or email.
Often, in just an instant.
Ideas can mean the difference between success or failure — of a business, a product, or even a career.
A great idea can change your (or someone else's) life… launch and grow a business… give birth to or revitalize a product or service… ignite a marketing campaign… or power a promotion, sales letter, ad or email.
Often, in just an instant.
Ideas can mean the difference between success or failure — of a business, a product, or even a career.
If you look at the founding of companies like Amazon, Netflix, Uber, Airbnb and eBay — they all started out as ideas.
If you look at the founding of companies like Amazon, Netflix, Uber, Airbnb and eBay — they all started out as ideas.
Some of the world’s most popular products like Red Bull, Double Stuf OREOS and the iPhone — started as ideas.

Some of the world’s most popular products like Red Bull, Double Stuf OREOS and the iPhone — started as ideas.

Great advertising ideas skyrocket awareness and growth, such as Nike’s Just Do It campaign, the California Milk Processor Board’s Got Milk ads, Volkswagen’s Think Small, Apple’s Think Different, Snickers’ You’re Not You When You’re Hungry, and Dove’s Real Beauty.
“Ideas are the currency of the 21st century.”
— Claudia Azula Altucher, Author
I got my start at Ogilvy on Madison Avenue — one of the largest advertising agencies in the world.
I then went on to have great success in direct response, helping companies sell directly to consumers both through the mail, in print and online.
I’ve seen how ideas drive business success, often making the difference between failure and generating millions — even billions — in sales.

David Deutsch has come up with powerful ideas that sell for Fortune 100 corporations, and for top direct response marketing companies.
Perhaps you’ve heard of the famous “Two Young Men” letter?
The writer's idea to tell that simple story skyrocketed sales for the Wall Street Journal.

Or how about the compelling idea behind the “End of America” video sales letter (VSL), which helped turn Agora into a multi-billion-dollar publishing empire…

Or the simple teaser “What Never to Eat on an Airplane,” an intriguing, curiosity-generating idea that helped sell millions of dollars of newsletters for Boardroom, Inc.

Perhaps you’ve heard of the famous “Two Young Men” letter?
The writer's idea to tell that simple story skyrocketed sales for the Wall Street Journal.

Or how about the compelling idea behind the “End of America” video sales letter (VSL), which helped turn Agora into a multi-billion-dollar publishing empire...
Or the simple teaser “What Never to Eat on an Airplane,” an intriguing, curiosity-generating idea that helped sell millions of dollars of newsletters for Boardroom, Inc.

David Deutsch has come up with powerful ideas that sell for Fortune 100 corporations, and for top direct response marketing companies.
Time and time again in advertising and promotion, what makes the real difference between a flop and a success is not the copy, the superstar spokesperson, or the quality of the imagery… it’s the idea behind it all.
As our world and technology change with ever-increasing speed, better ideas are what will keep you ahead of the pack.
Got a problem? Ideas give you options and solutions.
When you have an opportunity, ideas enable you take advantage of it.
When there’s a threat, ideas give you ways to counteract it — even flip it into an opportunity!
In short, more ideas means more options — for doing, improving, getting attention, persuading, making more money, being more successful.
Who needs more ideas?
Of course, if you’re a copywriter, content writer, designer, video producer or in any creative field, your livelihood and success directly depends on your ability to come up with ideas.
If you're a marketer, you need marketing and promotional ideas.
If you sell, you need ideas for how to sell.
If you own your own business, you need ideas for new and improved products, for advertising, marketing, recruitment, retaining employees and beating the competition.
If you work for a company, you know that those with the best ideas get the most recognition and rewards.
Consultants, as well as anyone who provides creative services to businesses must come to the table with a steady stream of ideas.
If you’re starting a business, ideas are your lifeblood for new products, for marketing, for promoting, and for growing and scaling.
And last but not least, of course we all need better ideas on how to be more persuasive, more effective and faster and better at finding solutions.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces all there ever will be to know and understand.”
— Albert Einstein
But here’s the problem…
Unfortunately, we’re not all born creative geniuses, able to spout endless ideas at the drop of a hat, filling notebook after notebook like Leonardo da Vinci.
Many people feel held back by this.
They lack the ability to dependably come up with groundbreaking ideas.
Which makes so many of their efforts fall flat.
Maybe you know the feeling? (I sure did for a time.)
“Creativity can solve almost any problem.”
— George Lois, advertising superstar
But here's the good news...
You don’t need to be born creative to come up with big, breakthrough ideas.
Not anymore.
Because I can show anyone how to come up with amazing, problem-solving, knock-their-socks-off, business-growing, life-changing ideas automatically and dependably.
It’s a system I’ve used to sell more than a billion dollars of products and services for my clients (from major book and newsletter publishers to America's largest corporations)… to successfully launch my own products... and to solve problems and overcome any and all day-to-day challenges.
And now, I would like to introduce you to this system that can give you — even if your level of creative ability is zilch — the skill that is the basis of so many fortunes and so much success in business and in life...
The ability to come up with more and better ideas.
How Much Is an Idea Worth?
There is probably no better example of how a single idea can change everything than Gary Dahl’s Pet Rock.
His idea was simply this...
Take a medium-sized rock. Nestle it in some nice packing material that looks like grass inside a cardboard box with “PET ROCK” stenciled on the outside.
Cut holes in the box because, naturally, your pet rock has to breathe.
Include a little booklet with instructions of caring for your Pet Rock.
Nice idea, right? You might guess he sold hundreds… maybe thousands.
Nope, he sold 5 million in just six months.
His profit in today’s dollars: $74 million.
Now, I’ve never made quite that much on a single idea.

But my ideas have...
I also once used my system to quickly crank out an idea for a book title that went on to become a bestseller. (More about that in a minute.)

David Ogilvy, who founded and ran the ad agency where I got my start, sold boatloads of Rolls-Royces with this idea that dramatized just how quiet the car was:
“At 60 miles an hour the loudest noise in this new Rolls-Royce comes from the electric clock”
That's genius! Not because of the words (they're a long way from Shakespeare).
But because the IDEA captures your attention and drives home the benefit.
Then he sent sales of Hathaway Shirts through the roof...
Simply by having the idea to pick up an eyepatch on the way to the photo shoot.
With it he gave "The Man in the Hathaway Shirt” the unique and jaunty look that would make a tiny Maine shirt manufacturer famous.

John Caples got everyone’s attention — and sold a heck of a lot of piano courses — with the idea immortalized in the unforgettable and much-parodied headline:
“They Laughed When I Sat Down at the Piano.
But When I Started to Play…”
Red Bull sold gazillions of gallons of energy drinks...
Thanks to the novel idea that a beverage didn’t have to taste good, be low-calorie or low-caffeine.
Instead, it could unabashedly be the opposite.

Tim Ferris turned what could have been an ordinary book on outsourcing and starting a business into a perennial bestseller with the idea to title it: The 4-Hour Workweek.”
And every day on social media, you can see ordinary people become famous, build multi-million-dollar businesses, break through the clutter... solely due to the power of their ideas.
Tim Ferris turned what could have been an ordinary book on outsourcing and starting a business into a perennial bestseller with the idea to title it: The 4-Hour Workweek.”

And every day on social media, you can see ordinary people become famous, build multi-million-dollar businesses, break through the clutter... solely due to the power of their ideas.
So, how do you generate ideas on demand?
All you need is a system…
Introducing My Newest Training Program...

"A simple method
for brilliant ideas"
“This entertaining program presents a simple method for creating groundbreaking, brilliant ideas
“It's powerful, elegant, accessible learning.
“I'm using these simple methods to create truly innovative and successful marketing strategies."
— Ned Freeman, COO of UZURV (an Adaptive Transportation Network Company)

Gary Bencivenga wouldn't sell his copy for any price...
“‘There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world,’ wrote Victor Hugo, ‘an idea whose time has come.’
“You can be a person who wields such powerful ideas in any situation. That's because there is now a program that makes it astonishingly easy to come up with great ideas as easily as painting by numbers, or, more accurately, filling in a few boxes.
“This thing is absolutely ingenious and a godsend for anyone who realizes that so much in life depends on your ability to come up with good ideas.
“Your career, your wealth, your ability to close deals, launch products, persuade others to your side, get people to try something new, win faster advancement, succeed in your own business, influence people in any situation—all depend on the quality, appeal and usefulness of your ideas.
“If I couldn't get another, I wouldn't sell my copy for any price. Not any price.”
— Gary Bencivenga, Renowned Direct Response Copywriter

“Fresh thinking!”
“At last, a self-help program with original material! I had given up on finding such a thing — they're all just too boring after you've seen a few dozen.
“But David brings fresh thinking. When you've totally run out of ideas in your life or work, here's a place to go for a re-start.”
— James Rutz, Superstar Direct Response Copywriter

“We paid David hundreds of thousands of dollars!”
“We've paid David hundreds of thousands of dollars to come up with ideas for us.
“Get his program and you'll see why. More importantly, you'll see how he did it!”
— Brian Kurtz, Marketing Consultant, former Vice President, Boardroom Inc.
Idea Power is my new, simple, proven, step-by-step method for quickly and easily coming up with all the ideas you’ll ever need.
In fact, if you follow the simple directions, you can’t help but come up with more and better ideas for everything you do!
That’s because instead of asking you to think “outside the box” (an infinite, overwhelming area to search), I’ll show you how to think “inside the box” — with 15 specific boxes that prompt you to ask powerful, idea-generating questions.
Idea Power Will Send Your Creativity Soaring
Here's just a small sample of what this unique, one-of-a-kind program will enable you to do:
Imagine what a profound impact all this could have on your presentations, your designs, your writing, your business and your life.
Everything You Need to Plug into Your Natural-Born Idea Genius
With the Idea Power system, you don’t have to be an "idea person" to come up with great ideas. Because it brings out the natural-born idea genius in all of us that lies dormant — until it is awakened, that is.
So if you weren't an idea person before, you will be one now.
Why am I so sure great ideas will be inevitable for you with the Idea Power system? Because it’s packed with practical how-to advice on coming up with ideas that you can put to work immediately — not just a bunch of abstract theories.
And because it has worked for me and, as you can see in all the testimonials, for so many others.

“Get David’s Program”
“When I was starting out in the newsletter business, a few good ideas catapulted us from small to a $135-million-dollar corporation in just a short time.
“A few years ago, a single idea I gave a vitamin business earned them a $40,000 profit in a single month.
“I've experienced first-hand the amazing money-making power of ideas. Get David's program and you will, too.”
— Mark Ford, Author and Co-Founder of the publishing giant Agora

“Fresh thinking!”
“At last, a self-help program with original material! I had given up on finding such a thing — they're all just too boring after you've seen a few dozen.
“But David brings fresh thinking. When you've totally run out of ideas in your life or work, here's a place to go for a re-start.”
— James Rutz, Superstar Direct Response Copywriter
The Complete Idea Power Training
The Idea Power training includes everything you need to get started in coming up with great ideas immediately, because everything you need is online, waiting for you to begin.
You can listen to audios, stream the videos, or read every word from your favorite device.
Anytime. Anywhere. Whatever works best for you.
Those who have taken the course say they love the compelling narrative through which the lessons are taught, told through the story of a bookstore owner’s journey of discovery.
It's something I know you’re going to enjoy — and find eye-opening.
Of course, each of the 9 modules are enhanced by Action Items and exercises that enable you to instantly start putting the techniques into practice.
Besides putting all the idea-generating power of the system at your fingertips, the training is also packed with advice and insights on creativity, problem-solving and effective thinking.

... PLUS a Spiral-Bound "Mindbook" for Notes and Putting the Ideas into Practice
In addition to the online Idea Power modules, we'll send you a spiral-bound, printed workbook (we call it a "mindbook" because it's a book that enhances your mind!).
We include this physical copy because research has shown that the tactile nature of pen on paper is the best way to learn.
It's packed with mind-opening exercises and additional insights into the creativity and how to use the powerful techniques in this training.
Order now and your copy will be rush-shipped to you today.

“Spend all the time you can with David Deutsch.”
“If you can afford 'the big guns', I encourage you to spend all the time you can with David Deutsch.”
— Jay Abraham, Legendary Marketing Guru, Author, Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got
PLUS... 7 Amazing FREE Bonuses
Because I wanted to make sure you have everything you could possibly need or want to light a fire under your creativity, I've included 7 FREE Bonuses — packed with new insights that expand on and dimensionalize the techniques, insights and ideas in Idea Power.
There's even one on how to incorporate the power of AI to take your idea-generation to the next level.
Perhaps most importantly of all, they're jam-packed with dozens of real-world examples and success stories that truly bring the techniques to life.
“Words and ideas can change the world.”
— Robin Williams

"The Swiss Army Knife of Problem Solving Techniques..."
As more and more problems seem to pile up all around us, an upgrade to our thinking and problem solving skills is desperately needed.
Enter Idea Power, the Swiss Army knife of problem solving techniques.
Using the techniques David teaches, I've uncovered better ideas for my business, sales copy, and content writing. It doesn't get any easier than this!
— Richard Winser
Copywriter, Internet Marketer
FREE Bonus #1: How to
Turn Ideas into Dollars
FREE Bonus #1: How to Turn Ideas
into Dollars
There's no doubt about it... Ideas are valuable currency that can be converted into cold, hard cash when you know how to use them.
And in this Special Report you'll discover exactly how to turn your newfound idea-generating power into money-making opportunities.
This Special Report includes specific advice on how to use ideas to generate income.
Don't miss...
- How one man came up with 36 different ideas for making money
- How to turn ideas into a second income — or even a new primary one
- How ideas can help salespeople make more sales (and get in the door)
- How ideas can make your advertising make more money
- How to use the same idea to make money over and over again in different ways
- How to use ideas to get a promotion — or find an even better job

“Loved it. Really wonderful.”
— Rory Sutherland, Vice-Chairman, Ogilvy, UK
FREE Bonus #2: Use Idea Power
to Light a Fire Under Your Writing
FREE Bonus #2:
Use Idea Power
to Light a Fire Under Your Writing
In this riveting video, superstar copywriter Parris Lampropoulos and I discuss how we each apply the Idea Power techniques to marketing, copywriting, and much more.
Then we roll up our sleeves and start applying the techniques together.
This exciting workshop is sure to get breakthrough ideas bubbling up in your brain for your writing, your business, and your life.
If interesting, persuasive writing is at all important for your success — you don’t want to miss solid-gold revelations like these:
- The big mistake most people make when they get an idea (and what you should always do instead).
- The “jeweler’s trick” for taking your writing to the next level.
- How to increase sales by doing LESS.
- The Matrix Secret that puts generating ideas on automatic pilot.
- How to make potentially unbelievable copy believable... with one simple but little-known twist.
- How to combine these techniques with Parris’ famous “schemas” secret to generate jaw-dropping copy and persuasion ideas.

“Ideas on demand”
“I have never had so many new, creative ideas come to me so freely until I started using David's system.
“Now I have an easy formula to consistently pluck ideas out of the ether, on demand”
— Joseph Bushnell, Southbank Investment Research

“Lessons for everyday life”
“Can teach you to think creatively in new ways.
And... all the lessons can be carried over into your everyday life.”
— Steven Hefferon
Fitness Trainer

“Ideas on demand”
“I have never had so many new, creative ideas come to me so freely until I started using David's system.
“Now I have an easy formula to consistently pluck ideas out of the ether, on demand”— Joseph Bushnell, Southbank Investment Research
FREE Bonus #3: Multiply Your
Idea-Generating Power with A.I.
For years, Sam Woods has been a voice in the wilderness, warning that A.I. will one day revolutionize the world.
During that time, Sam quietly pioneered the use of A.I. for everything from ideas, writing and marketing to developing methods that are light years ahead of what anyone else is currently doing.
Of course, what Sam predicted has come to pass, and it's no wonder that today he is one of the most highly sought-after A.I. trainers and consultants on the planet.
That's why I knew I had to choose Sam to interview on the most effective and powerful ways to use A.I. to help come up with ideas.
In this eye-opening video, Sam and I reveal...
- How to make ChatGPT your best-ever brainstorming partner
- How to use ChatGPT with the Idea Power techniques
- The right way to interact with AI for the best results coming up with ideas — or for anything (most people do it exactly wrong)

“This is brilliant!
“What you've done is amazing... I feel like on any given project I have a whole slew of amazing ideas to choose from.
“Thanks so much for putting this together.”
— Anthony Flores, Copywriter, Hollywood, CA

“This is brilliant!
“What you've done is amazing... I feel like on any given project I have a whole slew of amazing ideas to choose from.
“Thanks so much for putting this together.”— Anthony Flores, Copywriter, Hollywood, CA

“Inspiring, fluff-free and gets ideas implemented”
“I was totally blown away. It is so inspiring and fluff-free.
“Now I have a system to really solve the problem of taking my ideas and getting them created. Came at exactly the right time that I needed it.”
— Phil de Fontenay
FREE Bonus #4: Powering
Persuasion with Creativity
In business and in life... who doesn't need and want to be more persuasive?
Of course, if you’re a marketer... a copywriter... a salesperson, or you do presentations of any kind… being persuasive is essential to you.
Which makes this Special Report on how to use each of the techniques in Idea Power to create persuasive ideas, words and images such a must-have, including specific advertising and promotional applications for each one.
Whether you want to persuade your spouse to watch the movie YOU want to watch or persuade prospects to become customers, you'll be a far more powerful persuader when you know...
- How to turn ordinary features into persuasive benefits
- How to use visual elements to enhance your persuasion
- How to get people to convince themselves
- How to lay the groundwork for effective persuasion
- Power-packed ways to persuade with elimination, division, and addition

“Inspiring, fluff-free and gets ideas implemented”
“I was totally blown away. It is so inspiring and fluff-free.
“Now I have a system to really solve the problem of taking my ideas and getting them created. Came at exactly the right time that I needed it.”
— Phil de Fontenay
Free Bonus #5: How to
Choose, Implement
and Sell Your Best Ideas
Free Bonus #5: How to Choose, Implement and Sell Your Best Ideas
When you start using Idea Power, you may find yourself with a problem:
More great ideas than you know what to do with.
In this Special Guide, you’ll discover a simple way to narrow down your best ideas, along with the easiest way to get started putting them into action.
It's easy when you know...
- The simple 4-step process to uncover and start implementing your best ideas
- Why you should never throw away an unused idea
- How to successfully present your ideas and get buy-in from others
- THE most important thing to remember about implementing ideas
Don't let your great ideas wither on the vine! Get this Special Guide and start putting them to work for the benefit of your business, your career and your life.
“Fantastic and very, very powerful”
“Fantastic. The ideas are simple, easy to apply and very, very powerful.”
— Blair Warren, Author of The Forbidden Keys of Persuasion

Star of The Secret Says: “I love this!”
“I love this!
“These are the kinds of mind-expanding techniques that enabled me to generate millions of dollars for my clients and myself.
“Finally, they're expressed in a systematic, easy-to-understand, easy-to-use way.
“My head is alive with the sound of money-making ideas.”
— Joe Vitale, Self-help guru, co-star of the movie The Secret and author of dozens of bestselling books

“Spend all the time you can with David Deutsch.”
“If you can afford 'the big guns', I encourage you to spend all the time you can with David Deutsch.”
— Jay Abraham, Legendary Marketing Guru, Author, Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got
“Uncovers opportunities... unravels knotty problems”
“This is like a magical prism that imparts a laser-like focus to your thinking, uncovers opportunities and unravels knotty problems of all kinds.
“Easy to use and packed with wonderful ideas that you can put to work immediately at home or at the office. Get it. Enjoy it. Use it!”
— Richard Dunsing, Author and former Director, University of Richmond Management Institute
FREE Bonus #6: The Million Dollar Idea
Bestselling author Joe Vitale, who starred in the movie The Secret, wanted a title for his new book on the marketing secrets of P.T. Barnum — a man whose promotional genius had people flocking in droves to his museum, theater, sideshow and circus.
At first I was stumped and overwhelmed by the task. What DO you title such a book?
Then I took a breath and began applying the Idea Power principles.
I was reminded to consider everything I associated with Barnum: showmanship... the circus... sideshows... Tom Thumb... and his famous quote (albeit one he never said)...
"There's a sucker born every minute"
Then Idea Power reminded me to try addition, subtraction and substitution to turn it into a headline. (This is a small preview of the techniques taught in the course, so do pay attention!)
That’s when it came to me — the title I never tire of seeing on the shelves at Barnes & Noble...
There’s a Customer Born Every Minute
In the introduction, Joe himself kindly calls it: “a million-dollar title."
The book went on to be a bestseller (not only because of my title... it’s also a fascinating great book). And a new, revised and expanded edition just came out.
Want to see for yourself how I did it?
You will in this this bonus video... a fascinating look at my creative process in action.

"The Swiss Army Knife of Problem Solving Techniques..."
As more and more problems seem to pile up all around us, an upgrade to our thinking and problem solving skills is desperately needed.
Enter Idea Power, the Swiss Army knife of problem solving techniques. Using the techniques that David teaches, I've uncovered better ideas for my business, my sales copy, and my content writing. Get it and get more ideas. It doesn't get any easier than that!
— Richard Winser, Copywriter, Internet Marketer

“Loved it. Really wonderful.”
— Rory Sutherland
Bestselling Author of Alchemy,
Vice-Chairman, Ogilvy, UK
FREE Bonus #7: Idea Power:
The Inside Story Revealed
FREE Bonus #7:
Idea Power:
The Inside Story Revealed
This, probing, eye-opening audio interview was done when I first developed this system, and reveals how I came up with Idea Power (back when it was a small book called Think Inside the Box).
It's a behind-the-scenes look that goes into even greater depth on the techniques and how to apply the system to a wide range of situations.
In this interview you'll discover...
- How the secret of the "grid search" makes finding ideas many times more easy.
- How to get better answers by asking better questions
- 3 simple ways to banish "idea block"
- My "quick start" method for hitting the ground running and quickly generating ideas with this system
- How I personally have applied each of the techniques in this system

Star of The Secret Says: “I love this!”
“I love this!
“These are the kinds of mind-expanding techniques that enabled me to generate millions of dollars for my clients and myself.
“Finally, they're expressed in a systematic, easy-to-understand, easy-to-use way.
“My head is alive with the sound of money-making ideas.”— Joe Vitale, Self-help guru, co-star of the movie The Secret and author of dozens of bestselling books
How Idea Power Helped Me Come Up With a Billion Dollars Worth of Ideas

“New and better ideas…
almost effortlessly”
“I quickly found that my thinking process expanded dramatically.
“By employing his system, new and better ideas form almost effortlessly.
“The 'walking the student through' format was brilliantly executed.
“David is one of the professionals that I pay attention to.
“Many thanks David.”
— Mark Estlick, Louisville, KY

“Powerful and valuable”
“Creativity in marketing can turn an unknown entity into a raging success.
“Precious few marketing practitioners are truly creative, and even fewer can give you easy, practical techniques to develop your own marketing creativity.
“David can, and does, in this powerful and valuable program.
“Buy it, read it, listen to it, put the techniques to work for you. Then, you'll see why other top marketers pay enough to buy a good new car just to get his help in solving their marketing problems!”
— David Garfinkel
Top Copywriting Coach

“Tremendous competitive advantage”
“Generating good ideas wasn’t predictable at all for me. And too slow!
“Then I discovered David's Idea Power system.
“David brings light into the mysterious black box called creativity and turns a chaotic process into a repeatable, step-by-step system.
“I’ve been to one of the world's best design schools and dealt with creativity all my life. Yet I've never seen anybody with such a clear, reliable strategy for generating unique, world-class ideas.
“With this method you'll never cluelessly stare at a blank page ever again — no matter how challenging the problem.
“If your income depends in any shape or form on coming up with ideas or solving problems, do yourself a favor and get David's course today, while you still can.
"The tremendous competitive advantage you will get is out of proportion to the ridiculously low price.”
— Jonas Münnich
Copywriter, Agora Germany
How Idea Power Helped Me Come Up With a Billion Dollars Worth of Ideas
Ideas have been very good to me.
Being able to come up with ideas enabled me to enjoy a fascinating advertising career, starting at Ogilvy & Mather on Madison Avenue (it wasn’t exactly like Mad Men, but it was still an awful lot of fun).
Then on to direct response (selling things directly online and by mail) where my ideas and words racked up over a billion dollars in sales for clients from small entrepreneurs to major publishers to Procter & Gamble (selling everything from diapers to laundry detergent).
Along the way, I’ve trained hundreds… spoken before thousands… named many great products… wrote books (and came up with titles for many more)… helped countless businesses grow and prosper (often getting a nice percentage of the sales) and have gotten to know some of the most interesting people on the planet.
Ideas even helped me take a book on one of the most deadly dull and off-putting topics in history — estate planning — and turn it into one of Boardroom, Inc.’s top sellers.
These days, I’ve got people literally lining up for me to come up with ideas for them.
But while I’m always up for new challenges, I’d rather change lives by sharing what I know about ideas.
I believe that no matter what your passions and goals are in life, more and better ideas can help you get there.
In fact, bestselling author James Altucher says he decided years ago to come up with 10 ideas a day. He claims it literally turned his life around — and that it can do the same for anyone.
Now, with Idea Power I’m finally sharing the incredible system that makes coming up with life-changing, money-making ideas paint-by-numbers easy.
Finally, a Better Way
There are hundreds — maybe thousands — of books and courses on how to live better, market better, write better, and to lead and manage better.
But few tell you how to come up with the ideas you need to accomplish such things — to solve the specific challenges you are faced with, to seize the specific opportunities within your grasp, to fuel your writing and persuasion.
Most people simply depend on ideas just coming to them.
Maybe they close the door and think quietly for a few minutes.
Others may read or watch videos for inspiration.
But precious few have a systematic way to generate the ideas that can truly make the difference between mediocrity and success.
Which to me is tragic because “creativity” — the ability to create and to be a creator, to generate and use ideas to communicate, persuade, make change happen, grow businesses, change lives — really is such an easy skill to develop.
“Uncovers opportunities... unravels knotty problems”
“This is like a magical prism that imparts a laser-like focus to your thinking, uncovers opportunities and unravels knotty problems of all kinds.
“Easy to use and packed with wonderful ideas you can put to work immediately at home or at the office. Get it. Enjoy it. Use it!”
— Richard Dunsing, Author and former Director, University of Richmond Management Institute
Who Exactly Can Benefit from Idea Power?
Great ideas are a must if you…

Write copy or content

Create or edit video

Speak or present

Design or illustrate

Sell or market


Teach or train

Plus, ideas can help you in your business life and everyday life whenever you need to…



Help others

Solve problems

Seize opportunities

Look for alternatives

Improve relationships
In short, if you want to live a richer, happier, more successful, fulfilling life in all ways, creativity is your answer.
And Idea Power will give you that superpower.

“Become a problem-solving powerhouse”
“It's almost as if I could physically feel my brain working in a different way.
“Every task I encountered in the course of a day suddenly became exciting.
Because — without even trying — I was thinking of new ways to make that task better or more efficient, or to improve the outcome.
“I felt like a problem-solving powerhouse.”
— Lauren Methena
Dominion Energy

"The breakthrough you need… on a silver platter"
“In the past, I got mediocre results because I didn’t cultivate enough good ideas.
“But since getting David’s system, mental blocks are a thing of the past.
“It will untangle your brain, giving you the breakthrough you need on a silver platter.
“The most amazing part is the speed with which I’ve been able to get super-ideas.”
— Nik Thakorlal, Kanjas, International, Sydney, Australia

“Like jumper cables for your creativity...”
“I've been coming up with ideas and copy for ads for 20 years now — and believe me, it gets harder every day.
“You constantly have to push yourself to look at things differently.
“That's exactly what David's program is all about. It's like a set of jumper cables to jumpstart your creativity.
“It gave me a whole new game plan for original thinking.”
— Maryann Neary-Gill
Advertising Copywriter
Don't decide now...
Try It Risk FREE for 30 Days!

Don’t decide today whether Idea Power is right for you.
Take the Idea Power system for a test drive.
In fact, we'll give you a full 30 days to look through, watch, absorb, get a feel for the system and try it out on your toughest challenges.
Use it as often as you like for a full month to help you come up with ideas for whatever you need to write, design or create… for a problem you need to solve… or for opportunities you'd like to pursue.
See for yourself what it can do for your problem-solving ability, how it can transform your earning potential, and how it feels when people start to think of you as an idea machine.
Gain confidence from your newfound ability to think in new and different ways — outside your own perspective, outside the usual ways you solve problems, come up with ideas, think about things.
See how good it feels to be able to help your friends, family, colleagues and higher-ups by helping generate million-dollar or game-changing ideas on command.
Not to mention all the TIME and frustration you’ll save with this system by coming up with ideas more quickly and easily.
Not to mention the frustration of having a great idea come to you when it's too late to do you any good.
That doesn't happen when you have a systematic way to generate ideas.
So for these 30 days, see whether you're not generating more and better ideas than you ever imagined possible.
See whether your family, friends, business associates and clients start commenting on your newfound idea dexterity.
If not — or if you're dissatisfied for any reason — just let us know and we'll make sure you receive a full, prompt and courteous refund.
I'm that sure Idea Power will work for you.
And I'm that sure it can skyrocket your ability to come up
with creative, effective, impressive ideas
And I'm that sure it can skyrocket your ability to come up with creative, effective, impressive ideas
Of course, you could always hire me for thousands of dollars a day to come up with ideas for you. But in truth, the Idea Power system is a much better deal (it's surprisingly inexpensive).
Besides, why shouldn’t YOU be the one charging thousands of dollars a day?
Here's one last reminder of everything you get:
- The Complete Idea Power Video Training — 9 modules you can watch online anywhere, anytime
- Idea Power Mindbook — In addition to easy online access, we'll send you a spiral-bound hard copy
- How to Turn Ideas into Dollars — A special report that just might make you rich
- How to Use Idea Power to Light a Fire Under Your Writing — Parris Lampropoulos and I reveal how we both use Idea Power to improve our writing and creativity
- How to Multiply Your Idea Generating Power with AI — How AI can be your best brainstorming partner ever
- Powering Persuasion with Creativity — Must-reading if any part of your business relies on getting people to act
- How to Choose, Implement and Sell Your Best Ideas — This special guide reveals the best ways to translate ideas into action
- How I Came Up With A Million-Dollar Idea — Special video presentation takes you through the birth of one of my best ideas ever
- Idea Power: The Inside Story — A revealing audio interview with yours truly on how this all started
So what do you say… are you ready to experience the PROFOUND impact groundbreaking ideas can have on your career, your life and even everyone around you?
Yours for More and Better Ideas,

David L. Deutsch
P.S. In these challenging times of rapid economic and technological change, being in the upper echelon of “creativity” is the one skill that can give you a real edge.
Not to mention make you "A.I.-proof."
And now it’s so easy to attain!
P.P.S. One last thing... which may be important to you.
Becoming more creative may even help you live longer.
It's because, says a study in the Journal of Aging and Health, creative people tend to look at big life issues — like the stress-related, health-related ones —as challenges to be creatively overcome rather than insurmountable obstacles.
And that's a mindset that Idea Power can help you attain.
And if that’s not enough…
One of the study’s authors says that those of us with a creative mindset “maintain the integrity of their neural networks even into old age.”
In other words: creative people may experience less cognitive decline as we age.
And perhaps best of all, Yale University has found that that creative “openness” actually correlates with more white brain matter.
More success. A healthier brain. A longer life. It doesn’t get much better than that.

“New and better ideas…
almost effortlessly”
“I quickly found that my thinking process expanded dramatically.
“By employing his system, new and better ideas form almost effortlessly.
“The 'walking the student through' format was brilliantly executed.
“David is one of the professionals that I pay attention to.
“Many thanks David.”
— Mark Estlick, Louisville, KY

“Tremendous competitive advantage”
“Generating good ideas wasn’t predictable at all for me. And too slow!
“Then I discovered David's Idea Power system.
“David brings light into the mysterious black box called creativity and turns a chaotic process into a repeatable, step-by-step system.
“I’ve been to one of the world's best design schools and dealt with creativity all my life. Yet I've never seen anybody with such a clear, reliable strategy for generating unique, world-class ideas.
“With this method you'll never cluelessly stare at a blank page ever again — no matter how challenging the problem.
“If your income depends in any shape or form on coming up with ideas or solving problems, do yourself a favor and get David's course today, while you still can.
"The tremendous competitive advantage you will get is out of proportion to the ridiculously low price.”
— Jonas Münnich
Copywriter, Agora Germany

“Powerful and valuable”
“Creativity in marketing can turn an unknown entity into a raging success.
“Precious few marketing practitioners are truly creative, and even fewer can give you easy, practical techniques to develop your own marketing creativity.
“David can, and does, in this powerful and valuable program.
“Buy it, read it, listen to it, put the techniques to work for you. Then, you'll see why other top marketers pay enough to buy a good new car just to get his help in solving their marketing problems!”
— David Garfinkel
Top Copywriting Coach

“Become a problem-solving powerhouse”
“It's almost as if I could physically feel my brain working in a different way.
“Every task I encountered in the course of a day suddenly became exciting.
Because — without even trying — I was thinking of new ways to make that task better or more efficient, or to improve the outcome.
“I felt like a problem-solving powerhouse.”
— Lauren Methena
Dominion Energy

"The breakthrough you need… on a silver platter"
“In the past, I got mediocre results because I didn’t cultivate enough good ideas.
“But since getting David’s system, mental blocks are a thing of the past.
“It will untangle your brain, giving you the breakthrough you need on a silver platter.
“The most amazing part is the speed with which I’ve been able to get super-ideas.”
— Nik Thakorlal, Kanjas, International, Sydney, Australia

“Like jumper cables for your creativity...”
“I've been coming up with ideas and copy for ads for 20 years now — and believe me, it gets harder every day.
“You constantly have to push yourself to look at things differently.
“That's exactly what David's program is all about. It's like a set of jumper cables to jumpstart your creativity.
“It gave me a whole new game plan for original thinking.”
— Maryann Neary-Gill
Advertising Copywriter

Required reading at his ad agency
“This entertaining program presents a simple method for creating groundbreaking, brilliant ideas
“It's powerful, elegant, accessible learning.
“As a marketer and manager, I'm using these simple methods to create truly innovative and successful marketing strategies for our clients.
“In fact, the book is now required reading at my agency.”
— Ned Freeman, COO of UZURV (an Adaptive Transportation Network Company)

Gary Bencivenga wouldn't sell his copy for any price...
“‘There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world,’ wrote Victor Hugo, ‘an idea whose time has come.’
“You can be a person who wields such powerful ideas in any situation. That's because there is now a program that makes it astonishingly easy to come up with great ideas as easily as painting by numbers, or, more accurately, filling in a few boxes.
“This thing is absolutely ingenious and a godsend for anyone who realizes that so much in life depends on your ability to come up with good ideas.
“Your career, your wealth, your ability to close deals, launch products, persuade others to your side, get people to try something new, win faster advancement, succeed in your own business, influence people in any situation—all depend on the quality, appeal and usefulness of your ideas.
“If I couldn't get another, I wouldn't sell my copy for any price. Not any price.”
— Gary Bencivenga, Renowned Direct Response Copywriter